Scanning Specifications
Scanning Specifications
1. PAN Application form (front & back side) and Supporting Documents to be scanned in 200dpi, color – PDF format
2. Photo Scanning 300 dpi , colour ,213 X 213 px (Size less than 30 kb) in JPEG format
3. Signature scanning 600 dpi ?black and white (less than 60 kb) in JPEG format
How To Fill PAN Applications
Form to be filled legibly in BLOCK LETTERS and preferably in BLACK INK. Form should be filled in English only.Signature / Left hand thumb impression should be provided across the photo affixed on the left side of the form in such a manner that portion of signature/impression is on photo as well as on form
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited.
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited (UTIITSL) formerly known as UTI Technology Services Limited (UTITSL), was promoted by the erstwhile UTI and incorporated as a limited company on May 19, 1993 to serve the investors of UTI schemes.